Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Instruction Sets of 6812

68HC12 has more than1000 instructions. They are grouped into a few functional categories as following :
1)    Data Transfer and Manipulation Instructions —instructions which move and manipulate data :
                                                      i.        Load and Store — load copy of memory contents into a register; store copy of register contents into memory.
                                                     ii.        Transfer —copy contents of one register to another.
                                                    iii.        Exchange— exchange contents of two registers.
                                                   iv.        Move — copy contents of one memory location to another.
2)    Arithmetic Instructions—addition, subtraction, multiplication, division
3)    Logic and Bit Instructions —perform logical operations
4)    Data test instructions — test contents of a register or memory (to see if zero, negative, etc.), or compare contents of a register to memory (to see if bigger than, etc.)
5)    Jump and Branch Instructions—Change flow of program (e.g., goto, if-then-else, switch-case)
6)    Function Call and Interrupt Instructions— initiate or terminate a subroutine; initiate or terminate and interrupt call
7)    Stacking Instructions — push data onto and pull data off of stack
8)    Stop and Wait Instructions — put HC12 into low power mode
9)    BCD arithmetic, fuzzy logic, minimum and maximum, multiply-accumulate, table interpolation

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