Date: 12/1/14, Sunday
Venue : Trans BP2
Time : 12-2pm
I was a panel.
Date: 27/1/2014, Monday
Venue: Dewan Aspirasi
Time :8.30-10pm
Meeting AJK Pameran & Pertandingan FYP2 (EDIIEC 2014)
1st meeting
Date: 23/1/14, Thursday
Venue : ME13A5
Time :2.15-4pm
Agenda: Appointment of committees and allocation of tasks.
I am conducting internal invitation and promotion.
Bengkel Penyelidikan Fasa 1
Date : 7/2/14, Saturday
Venue: Dewan Jasmin
Time : 8-5
Speaker : Dr Norazamina & Dr Zamri